The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
by Kate DiCamillo
Fantasy, Fiction, Middle-Grade, Young-Adult, Adventure, Animals
“Someone will come for you, but first you must open your heart. . . .” Once, in a house on Egypt Street, there lived a china rabbit named Edward Tulane. The rabbit was very pleased with himself, and for good reason: he was owned by a girl named Abilene, who treated him with the utmost care and adored him completely. And then, one day, he was lost. Kate DiCamillo takes us on an extraordinary journey, from the depths of the ocean to the net of a fisherman, from the top of a garbage heap to the fireside of a hoboes’ camp, from the bedside of an ailing child to the bustling streets of Memphis. And along the way, we are shown a true miracle — that even a heart of the most breakable kind can learn to love, to lose, and to love again.
Recommendations from Common Sense Media
Age Recommendation: 7+
What Parents Need to Know:
Parents need to know that this is a melancholy little story in which there is cruelty and misery, including a little girl who dies of consumption. Most readers, child and adult, will cry while reading it; at the most extreme, some very sensitive kids might find it too disturbing.
Positive Messages: 3/5
A moving, lyrical, and for some, too emotionally effective examination of love.
Violence & Scariness: n/a
A boy is slapped, a dog is kicked, and a living toy is smashed and broken.
Sex, Romance & Nudity: n/a
Language: n/a
Products & Purchases: n/a
Drinking, Drugs & Smoking: n/a
A fisherman smokes a pipe. A boy’s father is described as a drunk.
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