The true purpose of the education is, at its heart, to help those who love wisdom for wisdom’s sake—our modern philosophers who, with all the advantage of youth and inexperience, try, try and try again to understand the very mystery unfolding before them. They who employ a naturally pure (i.e., purely natural) scientific method in order to gain knowledge for knowledge’s sake—an ars mentis graia artis—are, in so doing, making the world beautiful.

For in its core, education in its synthesis is an artful expression of our ever-unfolding scientific exploration—with the incalculable benefit of all the philosophy and pedagogy that has preceded us through the ages—into the very mysteries of the Human Experience that define us. And for this, the Incunabulum is offered as an open-source collaborative leaning environment.

In its nature, integral education is a work of science, in its truest sense, in how to combine the philosophies of our understanding with the majesty of our experience, and through which to share our personal insights. This, we do by means of any and all manners of artful expression that are available to us, in our imaginations, and at our fingertips.
The space we endeavor to continually co-create is structured to addresses the mystery of the Human Experience. This will be done by leaving its exploration in the hands of those who are closest to its origin. “Hands,” we say, for this work is practical. Children, with all of their unencumbered imagination, inherently possess that quality of the scientific mind that is greatest to prod but hardest to ply. This inimitable faculty of imagination, then, lends creative voice to the children’s art, all that which expresses their playful philosophical discovery.