Tales from Outer Suburbia

by Shaun Tan

Graphic-Novels, Short-Stories, Fantasy, Fiction, Young-Adult, Picture-Books, Comics

Breathtakingly illustrated and hauntingly written, Tales from Outer Suburbia is by turns hilarious and poignant, perceptive and goofy. Through a series of captivating and sophisticated illustrated stories, Tan explores the precious strangeness of our existence. He gives us a portrait of modern suburban existence filtered through a wickedly Monty Pythonesque lens. Whether it’s discovering that the world really does stop at the end of the city’s map book, or a family’s lesson in tolerance through an alien cultural exchange student, Tan’s deft, sweet social satire brings us face-to-face with the humor and absurdity of modern life.

Recommendations from Common Sense Media

Age Recommendation: 10+

What Parents Need to Know:
Parents need to know that there is little to be concerned with here, but that this strange collection of tales, though it looks like a picture book, is really aimed at teens. There’s nothing much that’s objectionable for younger readers, but they won’t like it much unless they have a taste for the bizarre, ambiguous, and intellectually and emotionally complex.

Violence & Scariness: n/a
A reference to a man who has beaten his dog to death.

Sex, Romance & Nudity: n/a

Language: n/a

Products & Purchases: n/a

Drinking, Drugs & Smoking: n/a

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