So it is with education…

t has always been there. Education is not something that exists outside in some distant institution, degree, score or GPA. Education is what happens within us, every second of every day. No, we cannot stand, hunt, climb, or speak our names at birth, but we can learn to. We are, without a single exception, natural learners, and each and every one of us is a master at what we do.

    This realization, then, once we have it, transforms everything. Education is not a mystery, but rather a continual joy. And what is more, each and every one of us, without exception, at one point felt this same way. Ironically, this only ever stops when we are taught otherwise.

    But it is complicated. So many of us have unlearned this natural state that it will be difficult indeed to recall to our intrinsic aptitude. And things are particularly complicated by the sheer enormity of the times in which we live. Where once the world was simple and close, to give the whole of modern culture through education now has become an impossibility.

    And so this need arises for our faithful method whereby all factors of culture may be introduced, our offering to the child’s inate nature; not in a syllabus or with exactitude of detail, but through the broadcasting of seeds of interest that will plant the love of learning to take root once more. Naturally. For that indeed is the hidden result of the “sum of these things in combination”. Where freedom meets responsibility, that space in which we grow, we find that our gifts become nothing less than sowers of love.

    This is a journey back to that place where learning is loved. As with all journeys, it begins when we walk into the woods where no path exists. Each of us must do this. But we can have help. In fact, we need help. All of us must pick our own paths, but each of us is entitled to help every one another. This is that journey; the Incunabulum Learning Space is one such place where it begins.

