ife is a series of magic acts and mysteries. A cow can stand and walk at birth; a shark is born and immediately begins its hunt; the water bear can survive the vacuum of space… Our human gifts, however, neither commend us nor set us apart. Octopuses, too, use tools; cetaceans, too, communicate through sophisticated languages and even have individual names… We humans can dig and run and climb, but not like the mole, cheetah or billy goat… Yet our kind have survived time unto this age of miraculous accomplishment. For our blessing is not in the physical gifts alone; rather, it is what is inherent in each one of us that has truly enabled our maturation, social and personal.*“The chief characteristic of the human babe is intelligence, unlike the other animals who only need to awaken the instincts towards their behavior. The human child’s intelligence has to take in the present of an evolving life which goes back hundreds of thousands of years in its civilization, and which has stretching before it a future of hundreds of thousands of millions of years.”
Maria Montessori
Education for a New World
This is our story.

From one single cell, human life begins. Inside this cell, a nascent energy guides every split of each subsequent cell division from within. An embryo is formed through mitosis and the subtle processes of differentiation, directed by some integral pattern to carve the human form. The individual can only be created according to this force from within, and even after birth is this true. Driven by the selfsame energy that initially guided the multiplication of that very first cell, the unique human being unfolds in a continual state of birth and rebirth.